Sunday, September 19, 2010

Üdvözöljük Budapesten

Welcome to Budapest!

We arrived in Budapest by train Monday morning, and we were settled into our apartment by noon. We were a bit worn out from the long overnight train so we decided to spend the afternoon relaxing in the famous Hungarian thermal baths. We packed up our bathing suits and walked down Andrassy Blvd. to the Széchenyi Baths. It was a beautiful walk. On the way we passed through Heroes Square. The statues were amazing.

The thermal baths were essentially a collection of hot tubs and swimming pools, naturally heated by the thermal springs of Budapest. We hopped in and out of the tubs and sat in the sauna (which was way too hot!), thinking we had seen and done it all, we discovered there was an entire outdoor area. It was absolutely breathtaking.

There was a large swimming pool in the center with side pools on either end complete with waterfalls, men challenging each other at chess, a whirlpool powered by people swimming around a hot tub in the center, and thermal bubbling jets coming from the bottom. One interesting thing was that the water is naturally heated to 34C degrees in the summer, yet 38C degrees in the winter (about 100F degrees). We didn't bring our camera...thanks google images for the pictures

After a relaxing afternoon we decided that we would take advantage of the kitchen in our apartment and cook our first dinner…an enormous pasta dish…which ended up lasting us for quite a few meals.

The next morning we strolled around the city slowly meandering our way to the top of Castle Hill where Buda Palace, the Fisherman’s Bastillion, and Matthias Church are all located. A gigantic wall encloses Castle Hill. Fisherman’s Bastillion looks like an enormous sandcastle.

Walking along the walls provided us with an incredible panoramic view of Pest...and a stunning place to enjoy a latte!

Matthias Church was yet again another beautiful church…but not necessarily one to write home about. We walked along the length of the wall, stopping to enjoy a sandwich along the way.

Buda Palace was remarkable. Unfortuantlely, we thought were arriving to partake in the world famous wine festival…but much to our dismay, it had ended the day before, leaving us to witness the breakdown of what would have been an unforgettable experience! The grounds of Buda Palace are vast and have magnificent views of the Danube River, Chain Bridge, and the Parliament Building in Pest. The palace had a beautiful fountain depicting a very plausible hunting scene, large and detailed lion statues, and a great statue of a vulture with its wings completely spanned.

[the camera died at this point...once we can figure out how to upload the pictures Matt took on his phone we will add check back soon!]

We walked across the Chain Bridge and down the Danube to Central Market Hall (Pest Market.) It is a grand hall filled with vendors of all sorts. From meat (including the entire head of a pig) and fresh produce, to clothing, tablecloths, and pocket knifes there is something for everyone here. This market was unlike any other we have seen with three floors and hundreds of vendors harassing you to buy something from them!

At 8:15pm we boarded the Legenda for a night cruise on the river. Budapest takes on a whole new life at night. It is remarkable how spectacular the city looked under the lights. Every bridge, building, statue etc., seemed to be glowing.

With a bit of time to spare on our final day before catching a train, we headed over to St. Stephens Basilica and we are so glad we did. Every aspect of the church was ornate and picturesque.

Though our stay in Budapest was brief, up to this point it has been our favorite. We will see if that still remains true after our next stop…Croatia.

Stay thirsty my friends,

Lindsey and Matt

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